Protection of the public is enhanced by the reporting of incidents which may be in violation of ND Law or Administrative Rules. Any person may file a complaint against a chiropractor or certified clinical chiropractic assistant if they believe the licensee or certificant has violated the Laws or Administrative Rules. The Board requires all complaints to be written and signed.
You may download and print the Standard Complaint Form or you may choose to type or hand-write your complaint in letter format. Complaints must be legible. Please mail all complaint forms or letters to the board office.
There are a wide range of disciplinary actions that may be taken against a chiropractor and/or a certified chiropractic clinical assistant. The Board has the authority to revoke or suspend licenses/certifications, place restrictions or limitations on licenses/certification, and/or require additional training, treatment, or other appropriate remedies to ensure a licensee/certificant practices safely and competently.